» RPG/MORPG games» The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim (2011) torrent

Download Torrent Skyrim Pc Completo 2

17.02.2016, 16:55

System requirements:


OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB
Video card: DX9-graphics card with 512 MB of memory
Sound device: compatible with DirectX 9.0
Space on hard drive: 14 GB

Skyrim has always been distinguished epic events – if the murder of the king, if a new threat – we do not know the mercy of cruel dragons. But the situation is always tense – the struggle for the throne surrounded by intrigue, conspiracy and other actions during the life of the reigning king, and when he's killed, so everything is out in the open conflicts, alliances, covert and overt, etc.
From whom may depend the Empire's future? Who will determine the fate of Tamriel? Who has in his veins the blood of the creature, before whom all tremble? Who has the power of Voice, giving the opportunity to confront the dragon? Of course, You – the player, who decided to take part in all this chaos and only You the strength to deal with everything.
You know why You need to download The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim? And all because the game has all sorts of awards, numbering about two hundred – this gaming Saga has gathered lots of fans around the world and for You, dear fans, was released edition The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Legendary Edition, which includes not only the original but also an additional version.
The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Legendary Edition – not for nothing called legendary, because in addition to all the additions, the developers have included in the edition many improvements – here are some of them: added options for finishing off the opponent, you can fight on horseback, have the ability to switch the difficulty (if the game became too easy, try a level on a higher difficulty designed for experienced players) hero became available a lot of abilities, through which character development is not the end and there is always the opportunity to learn a new skill.
What is included in the legendary edition:
The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim – magic world offers you a million opportunities, create your unique character and make the most unspeakable acts – become the arbiter of the history of Tamriel, and we assure you that the adventure will remain unforgettable, full of various events and is very interesting, because here you can find all the best features of the series.
Dawnguard. A new round of stories involves a meeting with the dragonborn Harkon is a vampire Lord, which is, of course, is far from good. His new idea is the destruction of the sun, for which he wants to harness the power of Ancient scrolls. Noteworthy is the choice of the parties – you might want to become a fighter for justice and become a member of the ancient order of the dawnguard to defeat Harkon, but maybe you prefer the dark side – and you want to destroy the Orb? In any case, regardless of the choice, the game will become very interesting.
Hearthfire. Play in the farm? This mode boasts a quiet development – you are given a piece of land where you can build a house, at first it will be a small hut with only one room, but in the future, developing – you will be able to build a real estate where there will be alchemy lab and Armory and many other buildings. The tools in the game allows you to create with the help of logs, mud and stones a wide variety of jewelry, furniture and much more.
Dragonborn. Reverse side printing. The role of the Dragonborn, of course, majestic, but what if you let the user be on the other side? In their journey to Solstheim you will meet elves and Skaal, but your main meeting will be with the Dragonborn who will be your enemy, and his power, you know firsthand, so the fight will be epic.

Trailer / Gameplay:


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